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Month: October, 2012



I am nothing without him. 

Worthless. Useless.

The children and I would be living in a dumpster if it weren’t for him.

He is smart.

We are not.

He is successful.

I could never be.







Dreading his outbursts, the hurtful things that he will find to say to us.

We must be VERY careful about what we say. 

No opinions are permitted.

No feelings allowed. 

No emotion is accepted. 

We are: Ridiculous. Retarded. Childish. Weak. Dumb. 






My boys, are everything. They are life. My life. They light up everyone they meet.

Everything about them amazes me.

They are strong. Funny. Loving. Hopeful. Caring. Compassionate souls.

I protect them with all that I have, from “him”.

His threats.

His hate.

His anger.

His trickery.

We walk on eggshells. Every day.


To leave this hell, is the only thing on my agenda.





It’s been a long, continuous stretch of hurtful days and nights. I have finally broke down to it.




Almost lifeless.


This is where he turns into the “nice” guy.

Until I build my strength back up. Then he turns back to the “worst” guy.



His Comments

Sometimes I forget that he is a heartless soul and try to converse with him. 

His comment: “If I thought like you I’d cut my throat.”





I prepared and steamed a variety of vegetables for dinner while he barbecued his meat outside. 

I let him know that the veggies have been served and the children are at the table.

His comment: “Why the fuck are you BUGGING me?”




I awoke one night from a nightmare. Told him that I had been kidnapped.

His comment: “Why would anyone want to kidnap you?”





I resonate with this…


I was like a trapped bird with broken wings
Kept in a cage called “domestic abuse”
I couldn’t sing my song until I found my voice
And it sang a hauntingly beautiful song called “Freedom”.

I couldn’t escape my cage until I set myself free
And I couldn’t be free until my magnificent wings were mended and ready to fly
But when I flew like a bird and I breathed freedoms air
Safety and peace of mind became my new home

– Evie Angel

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The Narcissist – My “husband”

1. Does he act out in verbally aggressive behaviors, or does he have ‘rages’, especially if he feels he has been insulted in some way? Does he blame ‘you’ or accuse you of being the one that is ‘acting out’ or ‘out-of-control’? YES

2. In the beginning was he just ‘too good to be true’? YES

3. Does he rely on you financially, or does he ask you to help him fund things? YES

4. Does he often spend outside of his budget? YES

5. Is everything always about him and is nothing ever about you? Does he seem insensitive to your needs, unappreciative of your input, or non-acknowledging of your accomplishments? Does he not recognize your giving, kindness, and thoughtfulness? Does he seem genuinely not interested in your life? YES, YES, YES, YES

6. Is he controlling? Do you often feel manipulated? YES YES

7. Does he show one side (Dr. Jekyll) to the public (a perfected persona which you know is fake), and another side (Mr. Hyde) to you in private? Does he go out of his way to impress people? YES YES

8. Does his ego bruise easily, or is he hyper-vigilant to the slightest insult? Do you have to be careful how you word things or voice grievances? YES, YES

9. Does he expect special treatment or feel he is ‘entitled’ to it? YES

10. Does he talk about himself more than you feel is normal? YES

11. Does he avoid eye contact with you, or does he withhold sex or affection? Has he been unfaithful? YES, Wouldn’t doubt it

12. Does he seem to lack empathy or compassion for others, or does he ‘fake’ it to enhance his ‘public persona’? YES

13. Do you feel emotionally battered and confused? YES

14. Have you noticed your confidence or self-esteem slipping? YES

15. Is he histrionic? In other words, in public does he hog the limelight, putting on exaggerated shows and telling fascinating stories of himself in order to be the center of attraction? Is he loud or does he act like he is on stage when engaging in simple conversations with other people? YES, YES






I’ve finished college. Waiting for my business to flourish. Once the funds rush in. I (we) rush out.

Until then, the pretend smile is painted on. Happy is what they see.

Daily Routine – Monday October 15, 2012

He wakes only to work. A workaholic/spend-a-holic. Pot of coffee. Cream & Sugar.

Work. More coffee. Work. Breakfast. Nap. Coffee. Work. No hello. Ever.

Beer until dinner. Yes his job allows for him to be able to guzzle back a few cold ones all afternoon.

His children – only there to get “this”, or get “that”.

Me. I don’t know, I make him look good I guess. He takes credit for anything I’ve ever succeeded in.

His debts, sky high. Asks me to stop buying so many groceries for the kids – we need to cut costs to pay for his debt.

Complains about the $13 I spent at Value Village on clothes for our growing children. Says this expense in not a necessity.

Work. More Beer. Meat for dinner. Nap. Bed. Repeat, every single day, 365 days every year.